Monday, February 23, 2009

More Resources (courtesy of Oakland Teaching Fellows)

I just got the February newsletter from Oakland Teaching Fellows and they had a ton of resources listed (thanks Jessica!). See below:

Win a Student-Run Bookstore Grant from Schoolwide, Inc.
Schoolwide, Inc. will be donating up to 200 Student-Run Bookstores across the country qualified entries. Their package includes:
• Gift certificate for $50 in books
• Working cash register and paid stamp
• Eight book displays
• Sales signs and sign holders
• Children's work aprons
• Posters
• Thank you bags
• Instruction manual with reproducible materials

To apply, visit

Geography knowledge website
National Geographic is on a campaign to improve the geography literacy of American students and their My Wonderful World website has online maps and games, an atlas, a global I.Q. test, a geography career guide, a newsletter, and links to global organizations like the Peace Corps.

Hot Math
Hot Math’s award-winning website has free services, including training for using graphic calculators, “hint-step” explanations of odd-numbered homework problems in more than 200 math textbooks used in middle and high schools, and ways for students to instant-message with each other while working through teacher-prepared problem explanations together. Note: there are charges for parts of this website but there is a ton of free stuff too.

Attention Science Teachers: Summer Institute on Environmental Education
This summer, Headlands Institute offers educators the unique opportunity to spend 5 days in the beautiful Marin Headlands learning and exploring new ways to make California Science Standards come alive. For more information email Jessica at for the opportunity flyer.

All About Adolescent Literacy
This website supports grade four through twelve literacy instruction with free instructional materials, articles, classroom strategies, book lists with guided discussion questions, and author interviews.

Money Management for Middle Schoolers
The Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Education at the University of Missouri, St. Louis has developed Money Math: Lessons for Life, a teacher’s guide for helping middle-school students manage their money, stay out of debt, and think about saving for retirement. Quite timely in these economic times!

Attention High School Teachers: Climate science program offered at no cost to your school! Alliance for Climate Education offers high school students around the Bay Area fun, inspiring, and meaningful ways to engage in the fight against the global climate crisis. They present current climate science to students through brief, age-appropriate, and interactive presentations. The program imparts a deep understanding of climate change and explains the powerful tools young people have to help create a cleaner, cooler future for our country and the world. Email Jessica for more information.

Math teaching videos
This website has six fifteen-minute films from Annenberg Media of middle-school math teachers modeling effective classroom strategies, with lesson extensions and resources. This is a must-see for all secondary math teachers.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Resources for Math Teachers . . . Oakland/East Bay Math Circle

Tina Garcia, math teacher in Oakland shared some great information for math teachers that I wanted to share . . .

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute sponsors Circle for Teachers: A Mathematical Problem Solving and Professional Development Program for Secondary Mathematics Teachers in the Bay Area. There is a summer workshop between June 28 and July 2, 2009 and follow up Math Circle meetings to "equip educators with an effective problem-solving approach to teaching mathematics . . . Participants will come away with a variety of resources, lesson modules, and a renewed sense of appreciation for the fascinating world of mathematics."

The Oakland/East Bay Math Circle meets on Thursdays from 4:15-5:30 at Laney College (Bldg G) in Oakland. Teachers can attend with their students (grades 6-12). These are weekly enrichment programs "centered on intriguing and challenging mathematical problems."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Greatest Black History Month Ever . . .

This is the greatest Black History Month ever!! If you know anything about me you know that I love Jet magazine. I read it every week and I read every page. I love the section on "This week in Black History" . . . I love the "love and happiness" section with pictures of newlyweds and the couple married for 50+ years . . . I love the "week's best photos." I even love the Jet beauty of the week. In what other publication can you find out where black entertainers will be on television that week? And now . . . drumroll please . . . Jet and its sister magazine Ebony are online! We can now read everything from the May 1968 Ebony after Martin Luther King's murder to the July 3, 1975 cover with little Janet Jackson. What an incredible resource for the classroom!

Johnson Publishing Company has partnered with Google to digitize its magazine archives.



Black World/Negro Digest

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pipeline to Prison?

"Many of the young men and women in the juvenile justice system never were in the pipeline to college. They were not derailed from the right track; they never got on it." --Children's Defense Fund

How can we firmly place our children in the pipeline to college and far away from the pipeline to prison?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is Education a Right or a Privilege??

Interesting question . . . What do you think?

The Friedman Education Project of the ACLU-NC presents the 2009 Youth Rights Conference--

Is Education a Right or a Privilege? Exploring Educational Equity and Racial Justice

What: A FREE, fun-filled, information-packed conference by and for high school students and their teachers/mentors on issues related to educational equity and racial justice in schools

When: Thursday, March 19th, 2009. Check-in begins at 8:30am and the conference is slated to wrap up at 2:30pm

Where: San Francisco State University in San Francisco

Who: We expect great interest and have limited space this year so we are asking teachers to help us encourage the attendance of students of color, LGBTQQI students, low-income students, students with disabilities, and students who dont generally have access to this kind of opportunity.

How: To pre-register contact Perla Pasayes at or 415.621.2493 X333
For more information on the Friedman Education Project, see

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mindfulness as an educator

New Teacher Support and Development Presents:


February 24, March 3, March 10, and March 24, 2009
4:15-6:30 PM
Light refreshments will be provided.

Park Day School
370 43rd Street
Oakland, CA 04609

Presenter: Megan Cowan

This 4 week workshop will provide teachers with the tools and knowledge to successfully introduce mindfulness into the classroom. Mindfulness teaches children to pay attention, to learn how to calm and settle themselves, and to be more self aware.

Specifically, mindfulness teaches students to:
  • Listen and focus their attention – stay present.
  • Be aware of their feelings.
  • Have better impulse control so they can choose how to react to a particular situation.
  • Bring mindfulness to their everyday activities.
  • Cultivate a sense of caring and kindness toward themselves and others.

Join fellow OUSD teachers to learn the practice of mindfulness and how to teach it to children in challenging situations. Presenters will provide information on the importance of embodying mindfulness, the science behind mindfulness and how to utilize mindfulness in the classroom. The workshop will include lecture, practice and interactive exercises.

To Register: Email with name and school site. A confirmation email will be sent.