Friday, December 16, 2011

Teacher Leadership Opportunities: Common Core Standards

Greetings teachers!

Please read the letter below to learn about ways that you can participate in our efforts to transition to the Common Core State Standards. The complete letter and application for leadership opportunities are attached. Note that the application is due Friday, December 16th.

To: OUSD preK-12 Language Arts Teachers, Secondary ELA and Core Teachers, Literacy coaches, and Instructional Leaders


In order to prepare teachers and ultimately students for a successful transition to the Common Core State Standards in 2014-15, we must develop a deep understanding of the new standards and their implications for instruction, as well as begin to build a curricular guide that will support teachers in designing Common Core aligned units and lessons that consider the unique needs of Oakland students. We believe that we cannot do this work without engaging teachers who best understand the needs of our students. The literacy team at LCI would like to invite interested OUSD educators to collaborate with us in this important work.

Specific Project Goals Include:

  1. Create a common core curriculum guide that includes course descriptions, tools and resources, and sample lessons and units that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and incorporate best practices that address the diverse needs of Oakland students.
  2. Develop a cadre of teachers who are positioned to take leadership at their site and /or district level around the Common Core State Standards in terms of both professional development and curriculum development.

Who Should Apply?

  • Teachers who have interest in developing expertise in the new Common Core State Standards and connecting them to ongoing and future classroom practices and district initiatives.
  • Teachers who have interest in participating in quality professional development on developing Common Core aligned performance tasks and curriculum using backward design.
  • Teachers willing to take on leadership roles within their school and the district in order to collaborate and support colleagues as they work to understand the new Common Core State Standards.
  • For the development of sample units only: Teachers with at least 3 years of classroom experience and ample experience in backward design.

Menu of Opportunities and Estimated Time Commitments

Attend learning sessions to develop expertise in the CCSS and backward design

3 or 4 sessions after school and /or Saturdays beginning in January or summer PD days

Feedback on planning and co-facilitation of Second Wednesday Central PDs

2 -3 hours of planning time, 1.5 hours of co-facilitation for each PD (not necessary to commit to all PDs)

Provide consultation on the development of a Common Core Curriculum guide

Approximately 2-3 hours each meeting in February, April, and June

Collaborate with literacy specialists and other teachers to create or revise and pilot sample performance tasks, lessons, and units

Weekly planning sessions and reflection of implementation for approximately 2 months (at your site or centrally)


  • Deepen understanding of the Common Core State Standards and backward design
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Collaboration with other teachers and literacy specialists
  • Compensation (hourly rates for facilitation of PD, consulting, and attending learning sessions; stipend available for unit development)

Interested teachers should fill out and return the attached application form.

For more information, contact

Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction

Oakland Unified School District

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A friend and fellow pre-schooler mom shared this article with me. It's about a practice called staylistening that is based in counseling. Although in our classrooms, we may not use this technique exactly as outlined in this article. There are still some really important takeaways.
  1. All of us, not just our children, have episodes of upset, during which our logical, reasonable and cooperative powers are totally sidelined by encompassing and confusing clouds of feelings.
  2. Children are built to let us know the instant their minds are derailed by feelings. They don’t hide their troubles.
  3. Staylistening is not for the faint of heart. It takes work to shed our own feelings of hurt so we can keep reaching for an angry child.

We must secure our own mask. We must prioritize sleep, healthy eating, and learn ways to manage our stress or our own hurt, trauma, stress will derail our logical thinking and derail our ability to support the children in our classroom.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

FREE Bullying & Social Thinking Workshop (free)

I saw this on Berkeley Parents Network. Bullying is a huge issue and any way we can learn about how to prevent HAS to be a good thing
Learn practical strategies for children & parents to prevent bullying.
FREE EVENT Mon. Jan. 9 from 7:30-9pm
At Communication Works: 4400 Keller Ave. Suite 200 Oakland
RSVP mandatory by Fri. Jan. 6 to 510.639.2929
Visit for more info.
Submitted by: Stephanie Alvarez (

Monday, November 7, 2011

Preparing Educators & Youth in a Racist World

What a title!

Today at 4 p.m. Claude Steele, Dean of Stanford University's School of Education in partnership with Mills College School of Education will be presenting at the Castlemont High School Auditorium here in Oakland.

8610 MacArthur Blvd in Oakland.

Also mark your calendar for future events:
January 23: Bill Ayers & Rick Ayers
February 23: Gloria Ladson-Billings
April 23: Sonia Nieto

Powerhouse team! Hope to see you there.

Acupressure for Teachers

How cool is that???

My friend Funmilayo is offering this workshop for teachers practically for free (sliding scale from $5 to $15).

Acupressure is an ancient healing art utilizing light to medium finger pressure to specific
points on the body. Acupressure can be very helpful in relieving stress and promoting
an overall sense of calm in many people. It has been helpful in relieving muscle tension,
headaches as well as strengthening the body’s resistance to various illnesses. In the spirit
of “Taking care of yourself”, acupressure allows you to embrace balance, calm and peace of
mind into your life.

For more information and /or to arrange your appointment . . . Call: Your Body’s Melody 510-304-5785

Space is limited to 5 teachers so hurry. She may be able to set up two sessions if there is a need but that still leaves thousands of teachers stressed out so hurry!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Chabot Space & Science Educator Open House

Thursday, November 3 (4pm - 7pm)
Open House is FREE but reservations are required!

Our family is a big fan of Chabot Space & Science Center. Our 3-year-old and our 7-year-old always have a great time there. We've seen all of the movies there at least half a dozen times. The place is just . . . cool!

And Chabot Space & Science loves . . . TEACHERS. Next Thursday, November 3 from 4-7 pm is an open house for teachers. We get to learn about the various classes available for K-12 science classes in astronomy, earth, life and physical sciences.

Register here.

You definitely don't want to miss this. There's a raffle, hands-on exhibits and demos and other really cool stuff plus it's FREE.


  • New Programs, Including "Tap the Wind,” an Energy Class Where Students Design Wind Turbine Blades for Maximum Efficiency
  • Visit the Challenger Learning Center® to Learn About Our Simulated Space Missions for Students Grades 4–8
  • Hands-On Exhibits, Including the Interactive Bill Nye’s Climate Lab
  • Hands-On Demos with Chabot’s Dynamic Education Staff
  • Raffle for a Free Trip
  • Telescope Viewing Through Our Historic Telescopes (weather permitting)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Outstanding Educator Award--Apply today!

California Teacher Corps Annual
Michael McKibbin Outstanding Educator Award
Your Opportunity to Honor an Excellent Teacher!

The California Teacher Corps is proud to announce the second annual Michael McKibbin Outstanding Educator Award. This award is designed to honor an outstanding educator in California who has completed or is currently enrolled in an Alternative Certification credentialing route.

Michael McKibbin, a retired administrator from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, has been instrumental in establishing and supporting alternative route programs in California. He has been a strong advocate for the selection of the right teacher for students in California and the California Teacher Corps Michael McKibbin Award recognizes and honors his lifetime work.

Application Process

Intern Program Directors throughout California utilize the California Teacher Corps Storytelling Guide (attached) to submit nominations.

Completed applications should be submitted electronically to the California Teacher Corps or in person at the statewide CCTC regional meetings no later than November 29, 2011.

Successful candidates will have attributes that align with the California Teacher Corps Vision, Mission, and Goals including but not limited to the following:
Exemplary educator who has made a positive, powerful impact on his/her classroom or school, including leadership roles

Second-career professional whose previous career will resonate with the general public

Highly-qualified and expert in his/her subject matter

Working in a high-need school, location, subject area or underserved communities.

The award winner is expected to attend the California Teacher Corps annual conference (February 9-10, 2012) in Napa Valley. It is expected that the Intern Program pay for conference and travel costs for the Intern. The nominating Director should submit a brief cover letter stating that, using program or regional funds, he/she is willing to pay for the Intern's travel and conference expenses.

To learn more about last year's winner, Baljeet Gill, go to our website. For additional information, contact the California Teacher Corps board at

Nominations Must be Received by November 29, 2011

National Board Certification--Take One!

Learn about the Take One National Board Certification Program
When: Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Where: Oakland Education Association, 272 East 12th Street, Oakland CA 94606
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
There will be subsidies provided if the teacher works in a school that is "high-need." A California indicator would be an API statewide rank of 5 or less, but NBPTS also uses the federal guidelines of 51%+ of students on free or reduced lunch or Title I status
Please register with
The Targeted High Need Initiative (THNI) is a program designed to promote the growth in the number of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) teaching in schools with the greatest need. The Initiative is in its sixth year. In 2006, The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) created THNI Take One! sites to permit teachers who are not yet ready to complete the full certification process to benefit from some of the key professional development aspects of the full certification process.

Take One! is a product in which an educator completes one of the four portfolio entries included in the full certification assessment. Scores can be banked and applied later to eligible teachers who pursue National Board Certification. This program supports learning communities in schools, provides exposure to the National Board Certification process in a way that is less intense and more manageable.

Approximately 40 percent of teachers completing THNI Take One! continue to pursue National Board Certification. Even those who do not continue gain valuable professional development and insight into the reflective teaching focus of National Board Certification.

The teachers who participate in the Take One! process will be encouraged to complete National Board Certification as soon as they are eligible.

Teacher must be "high-need." A California indicator would be an API statewide rank of 5 or less, but NBPTS also uses the federal guidelines of 51%+ of students on free or reduced lunch or Title I status.

The THNI Participants can be accepted through the end of a calendar year which is the end of the NBPTS registration cycle. The Take One! portfolio entry for 2011 participants must be submitted to NBPTS by April 15, 2012.

SMSHBX Gallery Open House for Educators

You're invited to the Educators' Open House at SMSHBX Gallery

FREE! Educators' Open House

Please join us for a special educators' viewing, director's introduction and walk through of the exhibit. Learn how SMSHBX Gallery can be a resource for the educational community, connect with other educators and share your ideas. Light refreshments will be served. Space is limited.

Day: Friday October 14, 2011
Time: 5:30 -7:30 pm
Location: 1804 Telegraph Avenue
RSVP for the SMSHBX Educators' Open House Here.

Current Exhibit: Works from the 5th Annual Estria Invitational Graffiti Battle + International Water Writes Mural Project

For more info contact Anyka Barber, Gallery Director at 510.473.6303 or

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Teacher in Oakland Virginia Velasquez-Cruz on TV!

Congratulations to new teacher, Virginia Velasquez-Cruz from Reach Academy in Oakland. She is a local teacher recruited through the Teach Tomorrow in Oakland program. Please click the link to see the story!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We just never know where our students will end up . . .

I loved this video of author and presenter, Michael Grinder. We always have that ONE kid and Michael was that kid but look at him now. =)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Teacher Organization--Using FlyLady techniques

I'm a fan of for keeping my house from turning into a giant disaster of toys and papers and chaos . . . I saw this post this morning and wanted to share with others who may find it useful . . . especially if you're feeling overwhelmed right now.

Teachers who are FLYing!

flylady, 9/16/2011 2:36 am

Dear FlyLady,

I sent you a testimonial recently about adapting the Office in a Bag for teachers. I've been FLYing at home for years, but still struggle sometimes at work, because I feel so "busy." I have learned how to work around this "feeling-busy" problem. I thought I'd share some more tips that I have adapted for teachers (and didn't even realize until I wrote that other testimonial) but that may apply to other Payroll SHEs:

Another use for the FlyLady cling: I glued a magnet to it and stuck it on my filing cabinet at school.

I use the calendar and kid stickers at school.
I use the Office in a Bag for my school papers.
I use the lanyard for my school keys.

The timer is used in so many ways I can't even begin. I mainly use it for children with attention issues. It helps keep them focused on a task, and they try to beat the timer. It also helps me clean off my desk at the end of the day when I want to go see my babies. I'm anxious to go and am tempted to leave the mess for tomorrow, but then I see my cling magnet and remember to just give it 15 minutes. I always finish in less time.

My clean desk is my shiny sink. I also happen to have an actual sink in my classroom, and I've taught the kids how to keep it clean and water-spot free.

We do 5-minute rescues of desks every day and thoroughly clean desks every Friday, which takes less than 5 minutes!

I adapted my morning and evening routines to fit school.


1. Do you have your exercise clothes, water bottle, lunch, and snack?
2. Have you checked your Hot Spots and put out any fires?
3. Fill your coffee mug.
4. Unpack your school bag.
5. Did you have any breakfast?
6. Fulfill your to-do list before the bell rings.
7. Have you taken a break this morning? Have you had any water?


1. Did you have any lunch/water?
2. Are you prepared to exercised today?
3. Go do a 5 Minute Desk/Closet Rescue!
4. Have you taken a break this afternoon to just sit and be good to yourself?
5. Are you caught up on grading/filing?
6. Make copies/lessons for tomorrow, including necessary supplies.


Check your "Before You Leave" List

1. Lay out your lessons for tomorrow. Are the copies made?
2. Is your DESK CLEAN?
3. Go Put out Your Hot Spots!
4. Leave at a decent hour! (5:30 for me)


We need our beauty sleep as well as rest for our bodies and minds.

1. Pack exercise clothes and water bottle.
2. Lay out your clothes for tomorrow.
3. Pack your school bag.
4. Make your lunch and snack.
5. Make a to-do list.
6. Go to bed by 10:00.

I also use FlyLady zones in my room: there's art, writing, library, their desks (including other centers), and my desk (including cubbies, since I use them, and shelves). Every week I declutter and detail clean each zone (but the kids bear the brunt of the responsibility here - never do for a child what he can do himself!). However, my desk still has to be clean each day before leaving. Five minutes at the beginning of the day our "community helpers" help me keep our classroom tidy and running efficiently. I use the Librarian, Custodian, Botanist, Secretary, Reporter, and Meteorologist. My plants never die, library books are never overdue, attendance gets taken, the room is always clean, and the Reporter and Meteorologist help me remember to do calendar and weather, and they lead it instead of me (I'm still a SHE and forget things). I carry very little of the mundane load in the mornings. I can start teaching at 9:00 sharp instead of 9:30 - WITH a CLEAN room.

*Librarian (returns all library books in book crate, passes out overdue notices, straightens books, arranges pillows in the Reading Corner)

*Custodian (erases boards and claps the erasers outside, keeps floor clean, carries heavy stuff like lunches and recess equipment, washes tables, makes sure desks are organized)

*Secretary (Files worksheets to go home into each student's file, stuffs Friday packets, takes attendance, answers the phone and intercom, runs errands, replaces lunch tickets.)

*Botanist (waters, fertilizes, and prunes plants)

*Meteorologist (keeps track of weather charts on bulletin board, calls Time and Temp, leads class in morning weather routine)

*Reporter (keeps track of and performs calendar duties, leads class in pattern predicting, reports class news)

I hope these tips help other teachers, and that some tips help other Payroll SHEs. The best way to learn is to teach, and writing this testimonial reminds me of things I do well. I will focus on them in the fall and teach them to my student teacher to remind me to use the tools that that I know work.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Teaching myself while teaching kids to FLY

FlyLady here; We have a Teacher Control Journal on our website. Check out our FlyShop for our FlyLady Teacher Tools.

Oh and don't forget your water bottle. Our teachers love their water bottle to keep them hydrated.

You are not behind! I don't want you to try to catch up; I just want you to jump in where we are. O.K.?

Let's Go for Seven in 2011!

Get your FREE Cozi Calendar

Copyright 2001-2011 FlyLady and Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved, No reprint to other email lists or websites without FlyLady's permission. You have permission to forward to a friend.

Join us on Facebook

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Film You WANT To See . . .

UC Berkeley’s Graduate Schools of Education, Journalism, Public Health, and Social Welfare are co-sponsoring an important panel and film screening. The public forum is entitled Interrupting Lives: Curbing Violence in Our Communities. Is There Hope? It features Alex Kotlowitz, producer of the film The Interrupters; Jabari Mahiri from UCB Graduate School of Education; Emily Ozer from UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health; Ron Smith, principal of our OUSD's own West Oakland Middle School; and Susan Stone from UC Berkeley’s School of Social Welfare, along with some community youth speakers (TBD).

The film, The Interrupters, is a powerful film. Juwen Lam of RAD saw this Chicago-based film at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, and says it is highly relevant to the Oakland context and our joint efforts to curb gun violence in our city. The Chicago “violence interrupters” (their job description) use methods informed by public health and epidemiology, employing public health strategies that parallel those used to reverse any epidemic of infectious disease.

The event will be held on Tuesday, September 6, from 7-8:30 p.m., at the David Brower Center Goldman Theater at 2150 Allston Way in Berkeley (near the downtown Berkeley BART station).

Please go to the following website to read more about this event, and please pass the word to whomever you believe would be interested in attending.

If you are unable to attend the public forum, you can see The Interrupters film from September 2-7. See website for details.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Teachers 4 Social Justice Annual Conference with Gloria Ladson-Billings

Gloria Ladson-Billings, professor at University of Wisconsin and author of The Dream Keepers and Education Research in the Public Interest: Social Justice, Action and Policy as well as Patrick Camangian, assistant professor at USF and co-director and teacher at East Oakland Step to College and Mandela High School will be the Keynote speakers at Teachers 4 Social Justice's annual conference.

The conference is FREE and will be held at Mission High School in SF on Sunday, October 9th. Online registration and conference details are available at the link below.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Free professional development for World Language Teachers in Napa

World language teachers interested in TPRS, amazing teacher (and my buddy) Diane Grieman is hosting a coaching session at her house in Napa for free. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to practice your TPRS skills with other effective teachers.

Contact me for more information at

Friday, August 12, 2011

AAMA New Teacher Induction Workshop @ Madison Middle 8/9/11

Click Here for the PowerPoint from the office of African-American Male Achievement (AAMA). Great presentation for New Teacher Induction Week!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Job Opportunity

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is pleased to announce the opportunity to contract with three Educators in Residence to assist the Council in its work with states in their transformation from a highly qualified workforce to a highly effective workforce. A statement of work is attached.

These consultant positions will start work in latesummer and will be available for up to three years. The Educators in Residences will work in the region of the country where they live and serve the states in that area. There will be considerable travel with at least quarterly trips to Washington, DC. The compensation for this work is $80,000 per year. Travel costs will be covered by CCSSO.

Please share this search for consultants with your colleagues who might be interested in this type of role. The deadline for submitting resumes is August 5, 2011. Please send your materials to Janice Poda at Questions may be directed to 202-336-7057 or 202-336-7058.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Humanizing Education

What does that mean???

Folks attending an institute in El Cerrito will soon find out.

August 4-6 at Prospect Sierra School in El Cerrito is a training called 100% Engagement: Humanizing the Educational Process (with an optional advanced training August 1-3 held at the Buck Institute of Education)

According to the flier:

Engaging 100% of learners is possible; it's time to initiate a new framework for education by creating equitable and engaging classrooms that draw upon lived experiences and the skills required to achieve academically. This is the essence of what you will learn and experience at our institute.

For more information and application packet contact Juliet Schiller of Teacher Training and Program Development or 415-578-2154.

5th & 6th Grade Science Survey for LHS

Saw this on Berkeley Parents Network . . .
The Science Learning Activation Lab at the Lawrence Hall of Science is looking for entering 5th and 6th grade students to take an online science survey. The science survey can be completed at home, and may take up to 1 hour to complete. To thank you for your time, families will receive a $10 Peet's Coffee card. To learn more, contact Yael at or 510-689-1228.

Sounds fun.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

School Supply Extravaganza

Piedmont's Beach Elementary School is hosting a School Supplies Extravaganza for Oakland Teachers

Beach Elementary is relocating for a seismic retrofit and teachers are cleaning out years of Art Supplies, Classroom Instructional Materials, Gently Used Texts, and many classroom treasures. This is a one time chance to come stock up on supplies for your classroom before they are given away to other education organizations.

When: This Monday June 6th 3:10 - 4:30 Room 21
(Kindergarten class supplies only)

Friday June 17th 1PM-4:30 in the Auditorium
Kinder - 5th grade supplies

Beach School
100 Lake (corner with Linda Ave. between Piedmont Ave and Grand Ave)
Piedmont, CA 94611
office 594-2666