Friday, December 16, 2011

Teacher Leadership Opportunities: Common Core Standards

Greetings teachers!

Please read the letter below to learn about ways that you can participate in our efforts to transition to the Common Core State Standards. The complete letter and application for leadership opportunities are attached. Note that the application is due Friday, December 16th.

To: OUSD preK-12 Language Arts Teachers, Secondary ELA and Core Teachers, Literacy coaches, and Instructional Leaders


In order to prepare teachers and ultimately students for a successful transition to the Common Core State Standards in 2014-15, we must develop a deep understanding of the new standards and their implications for instruction, as well as begin to build a curricular guide that will support teachers in designing Common Core aligned units and lessons that consider the unique needs of Oakland students. We believe that we cannot do this work without engaging teachers who best understand the needs of our students. The literacy team at LCI would like to invite interested OUSD educators to collaborate with us in this important work.

Specific Project Goals Include:

  1. Create a common core curriculum guide that includes course descriptions, tools and resources, and sample lessons and units that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and incorporate best practices that address the diverse needs of Oakland students.
  2. Develop a cadre of teachers who are positioned to take leadership at their site and /or district level around the Common Core State Standards in terms of both professional development and curriculum development.

Who Should Apply?

  • Teachers who have interest in developing expertise in the new Common Core State Standards and connecting them to ongoing and future classroom practices and district initiatives.
  • Teachers who have interest in participating in quality professional development on developing Common Core aligned performance tasks and curriculum using backward design.
  • Teachers willing to take on leadership roles within their school and the district in order to collaborate and support colleagues as they work to understand the new Common Core State Standards.
  • For the development of sample units only: Teachers with at least 3 years of classroom experience and ample experience in backward design.

Menu of Opportunities and Estimated Time Commitments

Attend learning sessions to develop expertise in the CCSS and backward design

3 or 4 sessions after school and /or Saturdays beginning in January or summer PD days

Feedback on planning and co-facilitation of Second Wednesday Central PDs

2 -3 hours of planning time, 1.5 hours of co-facilitation for each PD (not necessary to commit to all PDs)

Provide consultation on the development of a Common Core Curriculum guide

Approximately 2-3 hours each meeting in February, April, and June

Collaborate with literacy specialists and other teachers to create or revise and pilot sample performance tasks, lessons, and units

Weekly planning sessions and reflection of implementation for approximately 2 months (at your site or centrally)


  • Deepen understanding of the Common Core State Standards and backward design
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Collaboration with other teachers and literacy specialists
  • Compensation (hourly rates for facilitation of PD, consulting, and attending learning sessions; stipend available for unit development)

Interested teachers should fill out and return the attached application form.

For more information, contact

Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction

Oakland Unified School District

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